Australian Dental Congress: Day 1
It's been a while since there has been an update from me so here is one!Today is the first day of the congress in beautiful (and a bit cold), Melbourne.It's my first time attending a dental congress in Australia (or a major national one in general), and I'm very impressed!
- They have made a dedicated app where you can login to log your CPD points automatically by inputting a "session code " as well as messaging your fellow colleagues and seeing all the info about the speakers and exhibitors
- Heavyweight speakers from U.K., USA and all over Australia.
- Networking with fellow staff and dentists within your local dental association
Very good first impression indeed. I did a whole day of orthodontics and Dr Mithran Goonewardene and Dr Michael Woods have been great speakers backed up by hard scientific evidence. More to come as days go by! [su_carousel source="media: 2095,2094,2093,2092,2091,2090" link="image" height="300" items="2" mousewheel="no"][shortcode carousal images][/su_carousel]