Child Dental Benefits Scheme may close - AGAIN!

No, we're not the Department of Health.faviconJust a small update, there is a press release today from the Federal Australian Dental Association that the Child Dental Benefits Schedule may actually close by the end of this year.This is similar to what happened March this year where I have covered that the scheme may close at around July 2016, but at that time it is still pending the Australian Federal Election. Now the incumbent party is the same as the one from the last election I believe that it will be closed.So if you're a patient of mine, or a patient of your local dentist. Get your kids to see a dentist before the end of this year as it may be closed! What the government is proposing to the public as a CDBS replacement has insufficient funding, only limited to the public sector and it will stretch the public sector which they are already in huge stress.Link: Australian Dental Association press release  tl;dr: get your kid to see the dentist before the end of this year if you haven't done so as the scheme may be axed! (again!)


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