CSU futures night -a bit of a debrief from this fantastic night!
Long time no blog update!
[su_carousel source="media: 1721,1720,1719,1718" link="image" height="300" items="2" mousewheel="no"][shortcode carousal images][/su_carousel]Part of the perks of being a Recent Graduates Committee member is you get to travel within NSW to the Universities whom educate our future colleagues. Today I had the privilege to present to the CSU graduates with alumnus Dr. Jessica Zachar and Dr. Gabrielle Hunt from the RGC as well as hearing Dr. Jake Ball sharing his experience in his journey into the speciality pathway.I gave a talk about employment (in general) from a private practice perspective and mainly focusing on Sydney. Dr. Jess shared her experience with her peers about Westmead Hospital and Dr. Gabrielle shared her journey in Sydney Dental Hospital.The turnout was fantastic with excellent catering and organisation done by the Head of the CSUDA, Dr David Joseph and his lovely committee team!Thank you for all the students who listened to us in such a cold, Friday night where you could have been out partying/studying! We at the RGC wish you that you may find employment in this tough times and find a good place to work!For the students whom have extra questions to ask me about employment. Feel free to contact me either via rgc@adansw.com.au or though my contact form within my website.Also, the ADA NSW Convention is coming up very soon at Bathurst!
- For the first time, the recent graduates committee is hosting a special lectures targeted at the recent graduates along with a VERY SPECIAL dinner social functions and live performances!
- We have the following speakers lined up for this special event:
- So I have a job as an employee dentist, how do I interact with my employer and their team? Dr David Sweeney
- Treatment Planning and the Recent Graduate - Practical Tips for Getting it Right Dr Craig Brown
- Infection Control: Where are we now ? Dr Vicki Rozos
- Reduced rate for recent grads: New Graduate Dentist and Dental Student Registration Includes all convention sessions and social functions Available for new graduates who completed final exams between 2009 and 2016
- $550 for almost 20+ CPD points! Extremely good value which you have get your fill of CPD points before the new cycle starts!
- Opportunity to meet your ADA NSW councillors, board members, RGC members as well as catching up with a few old mates!
Register here at the convention website and we look forward to see you there! Note: I'll be adding two new articles soon. So keep the website bookmarked for new updates! It has been a while since the site had some good TLC!