Welcome to Joe's Dental Blog
Welcome to my dental blog! My name is Joe and am a dentist whom is currently working in the beautiful (and a bit crazy) city of Sydney. I have been working in Sydney ever since my graduation from the University of Otago, New Zealand. One of my main interests outside of dentistry is web development (design and a bit of coding) and a spot of photography, hence this website was created from both my passion of dentistry and IT technology.The main purpose of this website is to:
- Allow me to communicate with my patients directly and provide them with information in relation to their treatment.
- Part of this is informed consent, which is very important as a dentist; we want our patients to know fully what their treatment is and what it involves. Because of this I have developed a page solely for this and allows patients to download a PDF copy to keep!
- This also involves my After Care series where I give post surgery instructions to my patients so that they will know how to look after themselves.
- Provide both patients and my fellow colleagues explanations of dental treatment to our more tech savy patients (everything is on the internet these days.)
- I can have a blog platform to post publicly my opinions of the dental industry and any IT related news (general) that may have ties to the dental industry.
- My involvement with the Australian Dental Association (NSW branch) and related news in terms of our association's development.
The website has been in the works for a few months now (code named Spartan Dental - you gotta have code names for every IT development project) and I am proud to announce this website to the public and colleagues for all to see.Please make sure to bookmark https://drjoewang.com and keep watching for future updates and features to this site!